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Three Remarkable Shipwreck Stories from History

مؤتمر الفضاء المدني واقع الحقوق وتحدي الحريات

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بيان بشأن مشروع قانون حرية التعبير
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ختام الورشة التكوينية الثانية لمجموعة من المدافعات والمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان في محافظة ذي قار
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The organization worked in the several fields of defending human rights, promote democracy, elections, combat pollution and confront climate change after the change of the regime in 2003, it was one of the first organizations to be established in Iraq. It was based for the first time in 2007 and was re-registered in 2015.
our industries

We are working to promote the Iraqi civil space

 Our basic values are transparency, good governance, peace and dialogue.


The organization works side by side with activists, human rights defenders (HRDs), community leaders and CSOs by involving them in work plans and programs


We provide deep experience across the oil & gas and utilities & renewables sectors to deliver operational.

Private Equity

Firm is the leading consulting partner to the private equity industry and its key stakeholders. We advise investors.


Our basic values are transparency, good


Our basic values are transparency, good


Our basic values are transparency, good

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Civil Dialogue Organization for Development

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Civil Dialogue Organization for Development

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Civil Dialogue Organization for Development

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